Художник показал, как могут выглядеть внутренности покемонов
Кристофер Столл запустил необычный проект под названием PokeNatomy, который демонстрирует "внутренний мир" карманных монстров.Иллюстратор на фоне растущей популярности игры Pokemon Go решил показать анатомию покемонов. Он успел изобразить внутренности 10 карманных монстров. Но на этом Столл не намерен останавливаться.
Small adaptable, rodent-like Pokemon notable for their electrical abilities. Pikachu are covered in bright yellow fur with brown accents on the tips of their antennae. Their tail is used for balance when standing upright and can signal the creature's mood. They are omnivorous, but with small mouths, blunted teeth, and clumsy paws. Pikachu can only eat meat opportunistically. Pikachu live to around 20 years old and become sexually mature after age two. Like all Pokemon. they lay eggs and can reproduce year round. In the wild. Pikachu live in tight communities of up to 30 individuals. Those in the same group raise children collectively and routinely groom each other. They prefer to flee when frightened, but if sufficiently threatened, a group of Pikachu can rally to a deadly defense. Just two dozen of these creatures working together can deliver enough electricity to kill a full grown Onix
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