These powerful gills extract dissolved oxygen from water. and can also provide limited respiration / Charmander (Чармандер) :: Magikarp :: Squirtle (Сквиртл) :: Koffing :: Staryu :: Pikachu (Пикачу) :: Magikarp :: Abra :: Jigglypuff :: Vulpix :: Bulbasaur (Бульбазавр) :: Pokedex :: Pokedex :: Pokemon Characters :: Pokemon Characters :: Pokémon (Покемоны) :: PokeNatomy :: christopher-stoll :: длиннопост :: фэндомы :: :: fandoms

Magikarp Pikachu Charmander Bulbasaur Squirtle Vulpix Staryu Koffing Jigglypuff длиннопост ...Pokémon фэндомы Pokedex Pokemon Characters PokeNatomy christopher-stoll Abra 

These powerful gills extract dissolved oxygen from water. and can also provide limited respiration on land for as long as they are kept wet.
Magikarp maintains buoyancy with a sophisticated swim-bladder. This organ later develops into a series of gas-filled sacks that allow (iyarados. the evolved

JiRglypufTs voice
is notorious for its duration, strength, and unique hypnotic quality. This necessitates proportionally larger lungs than any other Pokémon species, filling up most of Jigglypuffs skull-chest cavity'.
The pink, rubbery, ballon-
like skin of a Jigglypuff is extremely durable.

The anatomy of this Pokémon has adapted heavily to accommodate for their abilities, and modern A bra have become incapable of most basic physical tasks. Fighting and fleeing with physical, rather than psychic, force are unthinkable feats for an A hr a, as much of their anatomy is vestigial or has

A thin skull and small vestigial spina! column arc the last remnant of Koffitig's evolutionary heritage as a lieterotroph.
Modern Koffing rely solely on carbon fixing to convert inorganic gases in the atmosphere into biologically useful compounds.
Koffing has multiple trophosomcs (bacterial

Fossil records indicate that Staryu fs ancestors originated almost 500 million years ago, making them some of the oldest Pokemon species currently in existence.
Their biology appears relatively unchanged. though more detailed analysis is made difficult by their poor rates

Each of Vulpix's rails hold compartmentalized glandular reservoirs containing either pressurized Hydroquinones or Hydrogen Peroxide. When Vulpix feels threatened, these chambers open and their agents are funneled through a catalytic chamber in the digestii'e system filled with

These overlapping muscles function like a diaphram. Their motion expands and contacts Squirtle's rigid shell along elastic plate-like joints. changing the volume of their chest cavity and drawing air (or water) into the lungs. This pressure can also be used to propell water from Squirtle's

The hulh is layered with
Rill RAxA P photosynthetic cells, supplementing UvL DnUnU l\ the host organism's ordinary•
digestion with energy from the sun.
Bulbasaur is a creature literally of two minds. its brain is pierced by tendrils from the bulb on its back which feed suggestion and

Charmander packs arc known to ignite small forests, causing other Pokémon to panic and flee from the Minding smoke. This tactic gives hunting Charmanders, with their large acute eyes and fireproof skin, a significant advantage.
The ratio of brain-mass to body weight in adult Charmanders indicates

#25 y
Often mistaken for van,, these two thick antenna-like organs are actually made up of tightly wound elcctrocytes. Sodium ions can flow through this structure at will', causing a sudden difference in electric potential, and generating powerful
The bright yellow coloration
of the

These powerful gills extract dissolved oxygen from water. and can also provide limited respiration on land for as long as they are kept wet. Magikarp maintains buoyancy with a sophisticated swim-bladder. This organ later develops into a series of gas-filled sacks that allow (iyarados. the evolved form of Magikarj). to fly short distances. MAGIKARP #129 These creatures1 large vacant eyes are well suited to their aquatic habitats. They can see clearly in muddy or polluted wafers and supplement their keen eyesight with an electromagnetic sense rooted in their whiskers. Magikarp's pointed yellow fins produce a mucus that causes potent hemolytic reactions. The characteristic thrashing and splashing of abeached Magikarp is an attempt to puncture nearby threats with these potent defensive weapons. The thick protective scales of a Magikarp are difficult to pierce or dent, and allow these miraculous fish-like Pokémon to survive blows that would kill or cripple most organisms.
JiRglypufTs voice is notorious for its duration, strength, and unique hypnotic quality. This necessitates proportionally larger lungs than any other Pokémon species, filling up most of Jigglypuffs skull-chest cavity'. The pink, rubbery, ballon- like skin of a Jigglypuff is extremely durable. Beneath the surface is a thick layer of vascularized blubber that insulates the creature and absorbs impacts. JIGGLYPUFF #39 The characteristic swirl of flesh on Jigglypuff s head helps prevent impuct damage to their face when the creature is rolling along at /tight speeds in a tightly coiled ball. Like all Poke/non. Jigglypuff is intelligent and capable of rudimentary communication. The creature's large, complex brain is housed deeply behind a thick skull and durable layers of protective tissue. Jigglypuff S skull and ribcage are fused into a single spherical mass of cartilage that protects the Pokémon \ delicate interna/ organs. When threatened, it fucks itself into a tight ball and rolls away.
The anatomy of this Pokémon has adapted heavily to accommodate for their abilities, and modern A bra have become incapable of most basic physical tasks. Fighting and fleeing with physical, rather than psychic, force are unthinkable feats for an A hr a, as much of their anatomy is vestigial or has its function supplemented by the power of their mind. These cloven feet developed to help A bra’s ancestors cling tightly to tree branches, and are poorly adapted to running over open ground. ABRA A bra spends much of its day in a deep meditative trance, regulating its own biological functions and probing the local environment with its mind. Should potential danger approach, A bra can quickly teleport to safety. often without even needing to become fully conscious. The extraordinary brain of the A bra holds the key to its psychic abilities. W hile in deep meditation or REM sleep, A bra can perceive the precise quantum state of every atom in their body. If threatened they can shift their quantum state to another location, without having to physically transport the underlying particles that this information is attached to. A bra’s bulbous shoulder joints are structured like secondary skulls. Tethered into their central nervous system, these hold dense nodes of neural ganglia that supplement and expand Ahra’s vast memory and mental processing
A thin skull and small vestigial spina! column arc the last remnant of Koffitig's evolutionary heritage as a lieterotroph. Modern Koffing rely solely on carbon fixing to convert inorganic gases in the atmosphere into biologically useful compounds. Koffing has multiple trophosomcs (bacterial pouches) at its core that branch into gas filled organs near the organism's skin. KOFFING #109 Koffing maneuvers in the air with puffs of digestive gasses from its crater like orifices. Each hole is capable of disgorging noxious fumes whenever needed, for escape. defense, and confusion. The exact mechanism levitation is unknown. They are neutrally buoyant in all temperatures, altitudes, atmospheric compositions, leading some modern scientists theorize that this effect is quantum in nature.
STARYU Fossil records indicate that Staryu fs ancestors originated almost 500 million years ago, making them some of the oldest Pokemon species currently in existence. Their biology appears relatively unchanged. though more detailed analysis is made difficult by their poor rates offossiltzations. Lacking skeletons, only the hardened core of a Staryu is likely to be preserved after death. At the branching tips of Staryu's five limbs are slit-like mouths designed to grip and grind small A'rabbles, Shellder, and other aquatic prey. These pull food into a length of toothed esophageal tissue that runs along each of Staryu's "arms". At the organism's core. a stomach-sack of powerful acid dissolves away any troublesome shell or bone fragments, and then pumps the resultant slurry into a tiresized ring of honeycombed intestinal tissue. Stary u are extremely tough, capable of enduring deep ocean pressure and regenerating after damage. Because their body is arranged into five roughly symmetrical parts, it is unlikely that any single injury will damage the whole organism irreparably. Staryu's five hearts wrap around their intestinal core, pumping in slow sequence. They• depend upon hemocyaninine as an oxygen-capturing molecule. giving them Copper, rather than Iron, based blood. Longitudinal muscles in each limb move Staryu* as easily on land as in wafer. The contractions of these sturdy muscles have the added benefit of forcing water through a semi-permeable layer of skin, and into a water-storage cavity adjacent to their delicate gills. Staryu's gills, unlike most aquatic Pokémon, are covered entirely by the epidermal layer.
VULPIX #37 Each of Vulpix's rails hold compartmentalized glandular reservoirs containing either pressurized Hydroquinones or Hydrogen Peroxide. When Vulpix feels threatened, these chambers open and their agents are funneled through a catalytic chamber in the digestii'e system filled with peroxidases. This creates a sudden powerful exothermic effect, instantly raising the solution’s temperature by over 100 degrees Celsius. and spewing a ftery stream of chemicals from Vulpix's digestive orifices to deter predators. These conspicuous plumed tails and vibrant warning colors let potential-predators know that tangling with a Vulpix is a dangerous and unprofitable proposition. Very'few Pokémon can withstand the nauseating odor and intense heat caused by their chemical defenses. tuned sensory organs that aid in maintaining balance over rough terrain. Their pads cushion and soften landings, and help Vulpix's hearing is specifically adapted to the high-pitched frequencies made by small rodent-like prey Pokémon. The rounded shape of their ear funnels e\’en the softest of sounds inward, allowing them to track their targets through any variety of terrains.
These overlapping muscles function like a diaphram. Their motion expands and contacts Squirtle's rigid shell along elastic plate-like joints. changing the volume of their chest cavity and drawing air (or water) into the lungs. This pressure can also be used to propell water from Squirtle's saturated lungs at high speed. SQUIRTLE #07 When threat end, Squirtle's large head can disappear into its protective shell. which expands dramatically to accomodate if. Well suited to their aquatic environment, thick skin and muscular limbs help insulate them from cold wafer while their bluish color provides camo/lage in the cresting waves. t Squirtle is one of only a few Pokemon that possesses lungs as well as functional gills. These two sets of organs are often used interchangeably. When near water. Squirtles are known fill their lungs to capacity with fluid and retain it. They can draw oxygen from their saturated lungs for hours, and violently expel/ their load of water if they need to make a escape. Squirtles typically walk on two legs, but are known to switch into a four-limbed sprint at higher speeds. While in the wafer their webbed limbs and hydrodynamic bodies propell them up to 20 meters per second.
The hulh is layered with Rill RAxA P photosynthetic cells, supplementing UvL DnUnU l\ the host organism's ordinary• digestion with energy from the sun. #01 Bulbasaur is a creature literally of two minds. its brain is pierced by tendrils from the bulb on its back which feed suggestion and sensory information to the host. At the core of Bulbasaur’s symbiosis is a seed-like node that grows with its host organism. Though, non-sentient this node is tied directly into the host’s nervous system and can process sensory• data. functioning as a secondary’ neural ganglia. This allows Bulbasaur to coordinate its vines with incredible accuracy while on the move. muscular limbs of the Bulbasaur become necessary as the heavy growth on its back matures and blossoms info a large flower-like mass. These powerful vines are actually extensions of the plant’s vascular system. The symbiotic plant-like creature housed on the Bulbasaur’s back extends tendrils that interlink the nervous and circulatory systems of the two organisms. Here we see the heart of an adult Bulbasaur bound by tuberous growths, feeding blood to the bulb on its back.
Charmander packs arc known to ignite small forests, causing other Pokémon to panic and flee from the Minding smoke. This tactic gives hunting Charmanders, with their large acute eyes and fireproof skin, a significant advantage. The ratio of brain-mass to body weight in adult Charmanders indicates a high order of cerebral activity, pattern recognition, and advanced social skills. The flame on a Churmander's tail is fed by liquid Isoprcnv extracted during digestion from the chloroplasts of plants in Charmanders diet. .\ear the tip of the tail is a rough. sphincter-like orifice that controls the size of the flame. This fire is essential to Ch a rota rider's survival. and is used to regulate their coldblooded bodies. as well as for defense. Charmander hearts are three chambered, possessing two Atria, and one Ventricle where oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mix. This heart's small size and relatively weak pumping capacity is supplemented by vascular structures i located in the y creature's tail. Lining the tail is a series of powerful aortic arches that pump blood in sequence and help move flammable fluids towards the tip of the tail through persistent peristalsislike motion.
PIKACHU #25 y Often mistaken for van,, these two thick antenna-like organs are actually made up of tightly wound elcctrocytes. Sodium ions can flow through this structure at will', causing a sudden difference in electric potential, and generating powerful The bright yellow coloration of the Pikachu warns ________________ potential predators of their dangerous abilities. £ The creature's flat tail is well muscled and can be used for counterbalance as well as defense. Deceptively clumsy and top-heavy, the Pikachu is capable of rapid bursts of strength and agility when threatened, running quickly on all fours. The Pikachu's electrical organs take up a full third of its body weight, and have relatively high metabolic requirements. Because of this, these strange creatures have diminished lung capacity and heart size, firing easily. Secondary electrocyte ganglia can be utilized in sequence to deliver high voltage charges. H'hile unlikely to be lethal to adult humans, these bursts of sufficient to stun or deter most other Pokemon.
Magikarp,Pokedex,Pokemon Characters,Pokémon,Покемоны,фэндомы,Magikarp,Pokedex,Pokemon Characters,,fandoms,Pikachu,Пикачу,Charmander,Чармандер,Bulbasaur,Бульбазавр,Squirtle,Сквиртл,Vulpix,Staryu,Koffing,Abra,Jigglypuff,длиннопост,christopher-stoll,PokeNatomy
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\Xvh \u *m\v»nu /\\Xihis structure at will, m vsttoxifflulifferetice in electric \u\vymn\ £ti\Xwwrating powerful 'QvXiWWnZ \ ^Y<WtYy*V> ¿Xww uu*> >\ ¥>iv»Uf№ %u\\w t\$\A H ja^A,> u\ (VyAWwn m\ \\uta tt\ №uiA w*i\\ a *QnnV>*V> >\ \nVnT\\u?. ftro ^\i to .nomtAoH Secondary electrocytc can he util,
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